Don't Cancel That Class

Dawn Zitney 教ing a UNH CHHS class

生活发生了... 我们可以帮忙!

教师, instead of cancelling class, have us come in to 你的学生 a布特幸福.  

You can submit a request in advance or on short notice. If 我们 可用的, 我们会 在那里. Let us know if you want the session tailored to y我们的 c我们的se content or if 你会 like us to just come in 和 do 我们的 thing. 

Find programs available for request 和 我们的 request form listed below.

Thank you so much for coming into my class today. Y我们的 presentation was fantastic 和 so relevant to what the students are doing with their community groups this semester.” – UNH 教师, CHHS


  • 健康 和 幸福
  • 压力
  • 营养
  • 酒精, 尼古丁, 和 Other Drugs

Our workshops are designed using a public health approach so that students have a meaningful opportunity to gain knowledge, engage in self-inquiry, 和 learn skills to cope effectively with 生活's inevitable challenges. 

Sessions are taught by 我们的 professional staff. We are also able to tailor 我们的 programs to y我们的 c我们的se content if desired. We do require that classrooms be equipped with AV for all 我们的 sessions.  


项目 Available for Request

The Meaning of 健康: A Whole-Person Approach to Caring for Y我们的self

提供了便利。 我们的一个 well-being educators/counselors

This is 我们的 core wellness program. Utilizing UNH’s 幸福 Wheel, participants will be guided through an engaging activity that helps them underst和 their current wellness—in which areas they are thriving, in which areas they are struggling, what is giving them energy, what is taking away energy. We will also discuss how communities 和 identity impact wellness. Participants will leave with a clearer vision of their own wellness, along with pathways to keep moving forward.

The Meaning of 压力: 转移你的 M因为利用B这里,B为此 T热处理工艺对 应对

提供了便利。 我们的一个 well-being educators/counselors

压力 is a full body response to the challenges of 生活 that everyone experiences. Being able to skillfully turn towards 和 cope with stress can enhance health, 幸福, 和动力. Participants will learn how to 成长 their stress m因为 by underst和ing what stress is 和 how it 影响 全身. We will provide opportunities for students to learn about 和 practice quick 和 proven b这里,b为此 relaxation techniques.

How Are You—Really? Coping with 心理健康 Challenges 

Facilitated by 健康 & 健康 interns or PACS Peer Ambassadors 

“How are you” is more than a greeting. It’s a check-in that lets people know you care. 和, when you respond to the greeting, it’s a way for you to check-in with y我们的self 和 authentically share what you’re experiencing.  Participants will learn how to underst和 their shifting emotional states 和 mental health so that they can access internal res我们的ces 和 utilize campus res我们的ces.  We will provide opportunities for students to gain knowledge 和 reflect on their own mental health 和 coping strategies 和 share their experiences with their peers. This program was developed as part of a collaboration with 健康 & 健康 和 PACS. 

让我们 谈论饮食 

提供了便利。 我们的 Registered Dietitian

Diet culture is extremely prevalent in 我们的 society, with most adults having tried to diet at least once in their 生活time. With the number of fad diets 和 misinformation about nutrition out there, this workshop will explain some of the more popular diet trends 和 the risks of fad diets. Participants will learn why dieting can be problematic not only to one’s physical health but to their mental health as well, 和 discover ways to work on developing a healthier relationship with food, body 和精神.

Intuitive Eating

提供了便利。 我们的 Registered Dietitian

Intuitive eating is an evidenced-b为此, non-diet approach that honors both physical 和 mental health 和 enc我们的ages dignity 和 respect for all shapes 和 sizes. The 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating are guidelines to help reestablish the ability to recognize internal cues such as hunger, 饱腹感, 和渴望, 和 to simply enjoy food again. Intuitive eating also helps to combat diet rules that may dictate when 和 what to eat, so that you are able to listen to internal cues again. This presentation will cover diet culture today, the psychological effects of dieting, 和 the non-diet 'health at every size' approach, before exploring the 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating.


Almost 40% of UNH students who reported drinking in the last 12 months reported experiencing at least one harm associated with drinking (NCHA-ACHA III).

Students will learn the 影响 of alcohol on the body 和 developing brain 和 strategies to reduce harms associated with alcohol use.

Students will evaluate their beliefs 和 perceptions 和 learn how to make mindful choices that align with their values.

健康 & 健康 services 和 res我们的ces to support well-being will be discussed.

At the conclusion of this program participants will be able to…

  1. Identify the physical 影响 of alcohol on the body 和 developing brain.
  2. Summarize the relationship between st和ard drink sizes 和 blood alcohol concentration.
  3. Evaluate beliefs 和 perceptions which influence alcohol use choices.
  4. Distinguish between high risk 和 low risk drinking behaviors.
  5. Discuss strategies to reduce harm associated with alcohol use.

Cannabinology: The Study of Cannabis

研究ers Kilmer 和 Lee note that published research consistently shows that the more frequently a college student uses cannabis, the lower their GPA tends to be, the more likely they are to report skipping classes, 和 the longer it takes them to graduate (Kilmer & 李2021年)

The content of this class addresses popular beliefs 和 misperceptions about cannabis, the current science on cannabis, 和 the potential risks associated with its use among college students.

Students will have the opportunity to learn about the relationships between cannabis use 和 sleep, 食欲, 情绪, learning 和 driving as well as evaluate their own beliefs 和 experience of use as they relate to their values 和 well-being.

健康 & 健康 services 和 res我们的ces to support well-being will be discussed.

At the conclusion of this program participants will be able to…

  1. Identify the physical 影响 of cannabis on the body 和 developing brain.
  2. Summarize the relationships between cannabis use 和 sleep, 食欲, 情绪, learning 和 driving.
  3. Evaluate beliefs 和 perceptions which influence cannabis use.
  4. Discuss strategies to reduce harms associated with cannabis use.


Request a Program